diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index bc52859c248dec936f8ed502ce9b80f7e6404721..350f8791fc1c59736888a1fed10782d91b6ef03e 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ fi
 NEED_PROG(cat, cat)
+NEED_PROG(tr, tr)
 AC_ARG_WITH(coreutils-bin, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-coreutils-bin=PATH],
   [path of cat, mkdir, etc.]),
   coreutils=$withval, coreutils=$(dirname $cat))
diff --git a/corepkgs/channels/unpack.sh.in b/corepkgs/channels/unpack.sh.in
index 80c177024c555a8d0aa721dfcffea8e4ac368319..03c6e5b2f89489839f3acda087ad1e8d760edfa2 100644
--- a/corepkgs/channels/unpack.sh.in
+++ b/corepkgs/channels/unpack.sh.in
@@ -5,18 +5,29 @@
 cd $out/tmp
-echo '[' > $expr
+echo '{' > $expr
-for i in $inputs; do
-    echo "unpacking $i"
-    @bunzip2@ < $i | @tar@ xf -
-    @coreutils@/mv * ../$nr # !!! hacky
-    echo "(import ./$nr)" >> $expr
-    nr=$(($nr + 1))
+for ((n = 0; n < ${#inputs[*]}; n += 2)); do
+    channelName=${inputs[n]}
+    channelTarball=${inputs[n+1]}
+    echo "unpacking channel $channelName"
+    @bunzip2@ < $channelTarball | @tar@ xf -
+    nr=1
+    dirName=$channelName
+    while test -e ../$dirName; do
+        nr=$((nr+1))
+        dirName=$channelName-$nr
+    done
+    @coreutils@/mv * ../$dirName # !!! hacky
+    attrName=$(echo $dirName | @tr@ -- '- ' '__')
+    echo "$attrName = import ./$dirName {};" >> $expr
-echo ']' >> $expr
+echo '} // {_combineChannels = true;}' >> $expr
 cd ..
 @coreutils@/rmdir tmp
diff --git a/scripts/nix-channel.in b/scripts/nix-channel.in
index 73096a12baba6f5f08927761baff86ebc00a152e..095f36d794999c0c1408c3438069a181e4bf53a8 100644
--- a/scripts/nix-channel.in
+++ b/scripts/nix-channel.in
@@ -89,21 +89,22 @@ sub update {
     # Create a Nix expression that fetches and unpacks the channel Nix
     # expressions.
-    my $nixExpr = "[";
+    my $inputs = "[";
     foreach my $url (@channels) {
+        $url =~ /\/([^\/]+)\/?$/;
+        my $channelName = $1;
+        $channelName = "unnamed" unless defined $channelName;
+        print "$channelName\n";
         my $fullURL = "$url/nixexprs.tar.bz2";
         print "downloading Nix expressions from `$fullURL'...\n";
         $ENV{"PRINT_PATH"} = 1;
         my ($hash, $path) = `@bindir@/nix-prefetch-url '$fullURL' 2> /dev/null`;
         die "cannot fetch `$fullURL'" if $? != 0;
         chomp $path;
-        $nixExpr .= $path . " ";
+        $inputs .= '"' . $channelName . '"' . " " . $path . " ";
-    $nixExpr .= "]";
-    $nixExpr =
-        "(import @datadir@/nix/corepkgs/channels/unpack.nix) " .
-        "{inputs = $nixExpr; system = \"@system@\";}";
+    $inputs .= "]";
     # Figure out a name for the GC root.
     my $userName = getpwuid($<);
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ sub update {
     # Instantiate the Nix expression.
     print "unpacking channel Nix expressions...\n";
-    my $storeExpr = `echo '$nixExpr' | @bindir@/nix-instantiate --add-root '$rootFile'.tmp -`
+    my $storeExpr = `@bindir@/nix-instantiate --add-root '$rootFile'.tmp @datadir@/nix/corepkgs/channels/unpack.nix --argstr system @system@ --arg inputs '$inputs'`
         or die "cannot instantiate Nix expression";
     chomp $storeExpr;
diff --git a/src/libexpr/get-drvs.cc b/src/libexpr/get-drvs.cc
index daa987fe713bbc75dff569ec9c704834909aa2ef..d2d01072f61d1f72e06a8efd571982601017d9a2 100644
--- a/src/libexpr/get-drvs.cc
+++ b/src/libexpr/get-drvs.cc
@@ -170,12 +170,21 @@ static void getDerivations(EvalState & state, Expr e,
     if (matchAttrs(e, es)) {
         ATermMap drvMap(ATgetLength(es));
         queryAllAttrs(e, drvMap);
+        /* !!! undocumented hackery to support
+           corepkgs/channels/unpack.sh. */
+        Expr e2 = drvMap.get(toATerm("_combineChannels"));
+        bool combineChannels = e2 && evalBool(state, e2);
         for (ATermMap::const_iterator i = drvMap.begin(); i != drvMap.end(); ++i) {
             startNest(nest, lvlDebug,
                 format("evaluating attribute `%1%'") % aterm2String(i->key));
             string pathPrefix2 = addToPath(pathPrefix, aterm2String(i->key));
-            if (getDerivation(state, i->value, pathPrefix2, drvs, doneExprs)) {
+            if (combineChannels) {
+                if (((string) aterm2String(i->key)) != "_combineChannels")
+                    getDerivations(state, i->value, pathPrefix2, autoArgs, drvs, doneExprs);
+            }
+            else if (getDerivation(state, i->value, pathPrefix2, drvs, doneExprs)) {
                 /* If the value of this attribute is itself an
                    attribute set, should we recurse into it?  => Only
                    if it has a `recurseForDerivations = true'
@@ -185,8 +194,8 @@ static void getDerivations(EvalState & state, Expr e,
                 if (matchAttrs(e, es)) {
                     ATermMap attrs(ATgetLength(es));
                     queryAllAttrs(e, attrs, false);
-                    Expr e2 = attrs.get(toATerm("recurseForDerivations"));
-                    if (e2 && evalBool(state, e2))
+                    if (((e2 = attrs.get(toATerm("recurseForDerivations")))
+                            && evalBool(state, e2)))
                         getDerivations(state, e, pathPrefix2, autoArgs, drvs, doneExprs);
diff --git a/substitute.mk b/substitute.mk
index 5038bd4bfd9fa772ad780734eb383d0d7ac47e37..bdc9c435015e6cc6b02826f6b9731513ff2cf724 100644
--- a/substitute.mk
+++ b/substitute.mk
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 	 -e "s^@perl\@^$(perl)^g" \
 	 -e "s^@coreutils\@^$(coreutils)^g" \
 	 -e "s^@tar\@^$(tar)^g" \
+	 -e "s^@tr\@^$(tr)^g" \
 	 -e "s^@dot\@^$(dot)^g" \
 	 -e "s^@xmllint\@^$(xmllint)^g" \
 	 -e "s^@xmlflags\@^$(xmlflags)^g" \