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Ausstellung-Virtuell - Folge & Varianz

Diese Projektseite enthält den Quelltext der Webseite zu dem Projekt "Ausstellung-Virtuell - Folge & Varianz".


  • Explore virtual exhibition in a real 3D map
  • Click on a single exhibit for further details
  • Browse the episode list
  • Play videos in custom HTML video player
  • Completely self-hosted map and video data



Preparing the map data

  • From the appstore: The most recent and stable version of the app can be found in the official appstore.
  • Using git: In your nextcloud/apps/ directory, run git clone radio. Then go to the Apps manager tab in your Nextcloud web interface, and enable the Radio app.
  • Using the zip archive: Download the latest tar.bz2 archive, extract the directory inside your nextcloud/apps/ directory, and rename it to radio. For stable releases, you can also download one of the releases tar.bz2 archives. Then go to the Apps manager tab in your Nextcloud web interface, and enable the Radio app.
  • Using package manager: For ArchLinux, there is an AUR package available.



Can be easily tested using Docker:

docker run -v /tmp/nextcloud-app-radio:/opt/nextcloud/apps/radio -d --name nextcloud -p 80:80 rootlogin/nextcloud

First part of -v is the path to the cloned or downloaded nextcloud radio app. Debug running container it with:

docker exec -i -t 665b4a1e17b6 /bin/bash

Where -t specifies the container id. If you further need to access the sqlite-database, logs or files inside the data folder of Nextcloud, that you also have to share this folder with the host:

docker run -v /tmp/dockerdata:/data/data -v /tmp/nextcloud-app-radio:/opt/nextcloud/apps/radio -d --name nextcloud -p 80:80 rootlogin/nextcloud

Reporting bugs

You can report bugs in the public gitlab repository here and for discussion you can find a section for the app in the offical Nextcloud forums here.

Adding radio stations

This app uses a public and open database of radio stations as its backend, so any station you add in (no account required), will be also available in this app. Feel free to contribute :)


  • database api as backend for this app
  • Python example code to query stream metadata, took from here.