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 - 👂 Smoth audio playback and transitions
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+     d="m 18.129434,27.703386 c -0.250558,0.926135 -1.197058,1.141812 -2.11579,1.141812 -0.918679,0 -1.865229,-0.215677 -2.115736,-1.141812 -0.372453,-1.385013 -1.002234,-4.855513 -1.002234,-6.470428 0,-1.712741 1.517186,-2.131426 3.11797,-2.131426 1.600789,0 3.117976,0.418685 3.117976,2.131426 0,1.605222 -0.627055,5.075427 -1.002186,6.470428 z M 12.743039,17.95928 c -0.910692,-0.891935 -1.459504,-2.152035 -1.40231,-3.536901 0.100069,-2.422472 2.065415,-4.382507 4.488128,-4.4762899 2.662699,-0.103088 4.861748,2.0331629 4.861748,4.6733549 0,1.306968 -0.539018,2.490286 -1.406303,3.33974 -0.130321,0.127642 -0.116972,0.340346 0.0306,0.447574 0.453665,0.329581 0.801903,0.747486 1.034484,1.235643 0.08482,0.178017 0.316523,0.227028 0.46034,0.09213 1.404356,-1.31749 2.267985,-3.204838 2.217221,-5.289106 -0.09037,-3.712629 -3.098242,-6.7332649 -6.810482,-6.8385459 -3.960506,-0.112343 -7.218253,3.0768569 -7.218253,7.0125669 0,2.015039 0.85413,3.834133 2.219119,5.11489 0.143866,0.134998 0.375668,0.08623 0.460535,-0.09193 0.232582,-0.488206 0.58087,-0.906062 1.034536,-1.235643 0.147566,-0.107178 0.160964,-0.319883 0.03065,-0.447478 z M 16.013644,3.9014105 c -6.031133,0 -10.912905,4.8808456 -10.912905,10.9129055 0,4.384262 2.562682,8.070048 6.125794,9.812264 0.211098,0.103185 0.451473,-0.07522 0.415811,-0.307413 -0.116047,-0.755719 -0.211535,-1.507637 -0.263371,-2.160123 -0.0072,-0.08944 -0.05598,-0.169832 -0.130467,-0.219816 -2.309251,-1.549537 -3.827508,-4.190558 -3.809141,-7.1785 0.02884,-4.688507 3.862877,-8.5085609 8.551479,-8.5207889 4.738395,-0.01238 8.597229,3.8388099 8.597229,8.5743769 0,3.017224 -1.566685,5.675202 -3.929134,7.203836 -0.04867,0.68386 -0.149516,1.490195 -0.273992,2.300966 -0.03566,0.232241 0.204763,0.410647 0.415811,0.307412 3.554781,-1.738269 6.125795,-5.418453 6.125795,-9.812214 0,-6.0310859 -4.880847,-10.9129055 -10.912909,-10.9129055 z m 0,7.7949335 c -1.721996,0 -3.11797,1.395974 -3.11797,3.117972 0,1.721999 1.395974,3.117976 3.11797,3.117976 1.721999,0 3.117976,-1.395977 3.117976,-3.117976 0,-1.721998 -1.395977,-3.117972 -3.117976,-3.117972 z"
+     style="stroke-width:0.0487184;fill:#ffffff" /></svg>
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index cba1a19e0c3729d01c294cea9296fef09bc5aa16..8794ee8705c168be7e12885e4d22746fb75ed39a 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 	"name": "podcast",
 	"description": "Listen to your favorite podcast shows in Nextcloud",
-	"version": "0.1",
+	"version": "0.0.1",
 	"author": "Jonas Heinrich <onny@project-insanity.org>",
 	"contributors": [
 		"Jonas Heinrich <onny@project-insanity.org>"
diff --git a/src/components/Navigation.vue b/src/components/Navigation.vue
index 18bb7022e638271878d9971fcef075bb7749aef8..5b140cd9eac78f36ff98f23deba0e9c78301f3f9 100644
--- a/src/components/Navigation.vue
+++ b/src/components/Navigation.vue
@@ -24,25 +24,17 @@
 		<template id="app-podcast-navigation" #list>
-				:to="{ name: 'TOP' }"
+				:to="{ name: 'LISTENING' }"
-				:title="t('podcast', 'Top')" />
+				:title="t('podcast', 'Listening')" />
-				:to="{ name: 'RECENT' }"
+				:to="{ name: 'LIBRARY' }"
-				:title="t('podcast', 'Recent')" />
+				:title="t('podcast', 'Library')" />
-				:to="{ name: 'NEW' }"
+				:to="{ name: 'BROWSE' }"
-				:title="t('podcast', 'New')" />
-			<AppNavigationItem
-				:to="{ name: 'FAVORITES' }"
-				icon="icon-favorite"
-				:title="t('podcast', 'Favorites')" />
-			<AppNavigationItem
-				:to="{ name: 'CATEGORIES' }"
-				icon="icon-files-dark"
-				:title="t('podcast', 'Categories')" />
+				:title="t('podcast', 'Browse')" />
 				:to="{ name: 'SEARCH' }"
diff --git a/src/components/Table.vue b/src/components/Table.vue
index 13692a41f8973bcf2a789f6480b6cee471804fb3..48113af544f74aff8438e9e7ab2859f686c1fa7e 100644
--- a/src/components/Table.vue
+++ b/src/components/Table.vue
@@ -42,19 +42,16 @@
 				v-for="(episode, idx) in stationData"
 				:class="{ selected: idx === activeItem}">
-				<td @click="doPlay(idx, episode)">
+				<td class="iconColumn" @click="doPlay(idx, episode)">
-						class="stationIcon"
-						width="32"
-						height="32"
+						width="64"
+						height="64"
 						:src="episode.imgURL" />
-					<span :class="{ 'icon-starred': favorites.flat().includes(episode.stationuuid) }" />
 				<td class="nameColumn" @click="doPlay(idx, episode)">
-					<span class="innernametext">
-						{{ episode.title }}
-					</span>
+					<b>{{ episode.title }}</b>
+					<span>{{ episode.description }}</span>
 				<td class="actionColumn">
@@ -178,7 +175,7 @@ table {
 		th.iconColumn {
 			padding: 0px;
-			width: 72px;
+			width: 115px;
 		th.nameColumn {
@@ -200,17 +197,10 @@ table {
 			background-repeat: no-repeat;
 			border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-border);
 			cursor: pointer;
-			span.icon-folder {
-				display: block;
-				background-size: cover;
-				width: 30px;
-				height: 30px;
-			}
 		tr {
-			height: 51px;
+			height: 91px;
 			background-color: var(--color-background-light);
 			transition: opacity 500ms ease 0s;
@@ -228,42 +218,33 @@ table {
 			background-color: var(--color-primary-light);
-		tr td:first-child {
-			padding-left: 40px;
-			width: 32px;
+		td.iconColumn {
 			padding-right: 0px;
+			padding-left: 40px;
 		td.nameColumn {
-			white-space: nowrap;
 			overflow: hidden;
 			text-overflow: ellipsis;
 			padding-right: 0px;
-		td.nameColumn .innernametext {
+		td.nameColumn b {
 			color: var(--color-main-text);
-			position: relative;
-			vertical-align: top;
 			user-select: none;
 			cursor: pointer;
+			font-size: 1.1em;
-		.icon-starred {
-			background-image: var(--icon-star-dark-fc0);
-			background-size: 16px 16px;
-			background-repeat: no-repeat;
-			background-position: center;
-			min-width: 16px;
-			min-height: 16px;
-			right: -7px;
-			top: -38px;
-			margin-bottom: -38px;
-			float: right;
-			position: relative;
-			pointer-events: none;
+		td.nameColumn span {
+			display: block;
+			max-height: 45px;
+			background: red;
+			white-space: normal;
+			text-overflow: ellipsis;
+			overflow: hidden;
+			color: #657786;
diff --git a/src/router.js b/src/router.js
index e5790652e54846db4f70400928313f27e46de9ba..29615d384ef279a464dc0ca51d52354866fc14db 100644
--- a/src/router.js
+++ b/src/router.js
@@ -37,29 +37,19 @@ const router = new Router({
 	linkActiveClass: 'active',
 	routes: [
-			path: '/top',
+			path: '/listening',
 			component: Main,
-			name: 'TOP',
+			name: 'LISTENING',
-			path: '/recent',
+			path: '/library',
 			component: Main,
-			name: 'RECENT',
+			name: 'LIBRARY',
-			path: '/new',
+			path: '/browse',
 			component: Main,
-			name: 'NEW',
-		},
-		{
-			path: '/favorites',
-			component: Main,
-			name: 'FAVORITES',
-		},
-		{
-			path: '/categories/:category?/:query?',
-			component: Main,
-			name: 'CATEGORIES',
+			name: 'BROWSE',
 			path: '/search/:query',
diff --git a/src/views/Podcast.vue b/src/views/Podcast.vue
index 2d90210bbf645651c9bf5764eebd20201f621302..380502eeedd8dad2aae6845bbb948d4eee27a6cb 100644
--- a/src/views/Podcast.vue
+++ b/src/views/Podcast.vue
@@ -325,16 +325,11 @@ export default {
 		async queryPodcast(podcastId) {
 			const vm = this
-			const menuState = 'TOP'
 			podcastId = 1084
-			let queryURI = 'https://api.fyyd.de/0.2/podcast/episodes?podcast_id=' + podcastId
+			const queryURI = 'https://api.fyyd.de/0.2/podcast/episodes?podcast_id=' + podcastId
 			try {
-				if (menuState === 'FAVORITES' || menuState === 'RECENT') {
-					axios.defaults.headers.requesttoken = requesttoken
-				} else {
-					delete axios.defaults.headers.requesttoken
-				}
+				delete axios.defaults.headers.requesttoken
 				await axios.get(queryURI)
 					.then(function(response) {
@@ -342,126 +337,11 @@ export default {
 			} catch (error) {
 				showError(t('podcast', 'Could not fetch stations from remote API'))
-			const queryBase = this.$apiUrl + '/json/stations'
-			queryURI = queryBase
-			let sortBy = 'clickcount'
-			if (vm.$route.name === 'CATEGORIES') {
-				if (vm.$route.path === '/categories') {
-					vm.tableData = [
-						{
-							name: t('podcast', 'Countries'),
-							type: 'folder',
-							path: '/categories/countries',
-						},
-						{
-							name: t('podcast', 'States'),
-							type: 'folder',
-							path: '/categories/states',
-						},
-						{
-							name: t('podcast', 'Languages'),
-							type: 'folder',
-							path: '/categories/languages',
-						},
-						{
-							name: t('podcast', 'Tags'),
-							type: 'folder',
-							path: '/categories/tags',
-						},
-					]
-					vm.pageLoading = false
-					return true
-				} else if (vm.$route.params.category === 'tags') {
-					if (vm.$route.params.query) {
-						queryURI = this.$apiUrl + '/json/stations/search?tag=' + vm.$route.params.query + '&tagExact=true'
-					} else {
-						queryURI = this.$apiUrl + '/json/tags'
-					}
-				} else if (vm.$route.params.category === 'countries') {
-					if (vm.$route.params.query) {
-						queryURI = this.$apiUrl + '/json/stations/search?country=' + vm.$route.params.query + '&countryExact=true'
-					} else {
-						queryURI = this.$apiUrl + '/json/countries'
-					}
-				} else if (vm.$route.params.category === 'states') {
-					if (vm.$route.params.query) {
-						queryURI = this.$apiUrl + '/json/stations/search?state=' + vm.$route.params.query + '&stateExact=true'
-					} else {
-						queryURI = this.$apiUrl + '/json/states'
-					}
-				} else if (vm.$route.params.category === 'languages') {
-					if (vm.$route.params.query) {
-						queryURI = this.$apiUrl + '/json/stations/search?language=' + vm.$route.params.query + '&languageExact=true'
-					} else {
-						queryURI = this.$apiUrl + '/json/languages'
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			// Skip loading more stations on certain sites
-			if (vm.tableData.length > 0
-				&& (vm.$route.name === 'FAVORITES'
-				|| vm.$route.name === 'RECENT'
-				|| vm.$route.name === 'CATEGORIES')) {
-				return true
-			}
-			if (menuState === 'TOP') {
-				sortBy = 'clickcount'
-			} else if (menuState === 'NEW') {
-				sortBy = 'lastchangetime'
-			} else if (menuState === 'SEARCH') {
-				const searchQuery = vm.$route.params.query
-				queryURI = queryBase + '/byname/' + searchQuery
-			} else if (menuState === 'FAVORITES') {
-				queryURI = generateUrl('/apps/podcast/api/favorites')
-			} else if (menuState === 'RECENT') {
-				queryURI = generateUrl('/apps/podcast/api/recent')
-			}
-			if (menuState !== 'CATEGORIES') {
-				vm.queryParams = {
-					limit: 20,
-					order: sortBy,
-					reverse: true,
-					offset: vm.tableData.length,
-				}
-			} else {
-				vm.queryParams = {}
-			}
-			try {
-				if (menuState === 'FAVORITES' || menuState === 'RECENT') {
-					axios.defaults.headers.requesttoken = requesttoken
-				} else {
-					delete axios.defaults.headers.requesttoken
-				}
-				await axios.get(queryURI, {
-					params: vm.queryParams,
-				})
-					.then(function(response) {
-						for (let i = 0; i < response.data.length; i++) {
-							const obj = response.data[i]
-							if (!obj.stationuuid) {
-								response.data[i].type = 'folder'
-								response.data[i].path = vm.$route.path + '/' + obj.name
-							}
-						}
-						vm.tableData = vm.tableData.concat(response.data)
-						vm.pageLoading = false
-					})
-			} catch (error) {
-				showError(t('podcast', 'Could not fetch stations from remote API'))
-			}
 		processPodcast(podcast) {
-			console.log(podcast)
 			this.podcast = podcast.data
-			// vm.tableData = vm.tableData.concat(response.data)
-			// vm.pageLoading = false
+			this.pageLoading = false