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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..80799d61f089e83498a77477c9ee60e5fd51193d
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+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2015 Fachschaft Physik am KIT
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e090de3a91cc04f64a7af88f3ef753fe44b3f3f6
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+.PHONY: clean pdf
+main.pdf: main.tex lit.bib $(shell find chap -type f) $(shell find fig -type f) $(shell find tab -type f) $(shell find include -type f)
+	pdflatex main.tex
+	bibtex main.aux
+	pdflatex main.tex
+	pdflatex main.tex
+# needed for integration in vim-latex
+pdf: main.pdf
+	rm *.aux *.log *.out *.bbl *.blg *.toc *.lof *.lot *.pdf
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..c74ce80c6253fc817937423bf2bb793888693e60 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Thesisvorlage für die Fakultät für Physik am KIT
+This thesis class is strongly related to the [Praktikumsvorlage](https://github.com/fsphys/praktikum-protokollvorlage-latex/).
+## Use the template
+First, obtain a copy of the template. You have multiple possibilities:
+* download the [most recent release of the template](https://github.com/fsphys/thesisvorlage-latex/releases),
+* download a [development snapshot of the template](https://github.com/fsphys/thesisvorlage-latex/archive/master.zip) or
+* clone this repository with git: <code>git clone https://github.com/fsphys/thesisvorlage-latex.git</code>.
+Compile on the command line using <code>make main.pdf</code> or your favorite LaTeX editor, which will do something like the following for you:
+* <code>pdflatex main.tex</code>
+* <code>bibtex main.aux</code>
+* <code>pdflatex main.tex</code>
+* <code>pdflatex main.tex</code>
+The template is known to be compatible with TeXLive 2012 and 2014.
+## Contribute to the template
+The repository consists of only one branch (master). The preferred way is to fork the repository and send a pull request. You can send your contributions via e-mail to latexvorlage@fachschaft.physik.kit.edu .
diff --git a/chap/appendix.tex b/chap/appendix.tex
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af8ad3b85a2f9396cd2a470c3aa9573987395bae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chap/appendix.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+\section{First Appendix Section}
+Wonderful Appendix!
diff --git a/chap/chapter1.tex b/chap/chapter1.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..13531732f3b84aa062edd8d8a71df472c80335fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chap/chapter1.tex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+\lipsum[1-5] \cite{Dem10}
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/cmds.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+%% -----------------------
+%% |    Abbreviations    |
+%% -----------------------
+\newcommand{\op}[1]{\operatorname{#1}}                 % to write operators that
+                                                       % are not predefined;
+                                                       % it's just an abbrev.
+                                                       % for the long command
+\newcommand{\arr}[2]{\begin{array}{#1}#2\end{array}}   % to create arrays. very 
+                                                       % useful in math env
+\renewcommand{\d}{\ensuremath{\text{d}}}               % as the differential 
+                                                       % operator, e.g. 
+                                                       % \frac{\d x}{\d t}
+\newcommand{\NN}{\mathbb{N}}                           % or change it to
+\newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}}                           % \mathbbm and include
+\newcommand{\CC}{\mathbb{C}}                           % pkg bbm if you prefer
+\newcommand{\pdb}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}  % partial derivative
+%% -----------------------------------
+%% |    Commands and Environments    |
+%% -----------------------------------
+\newcommand{\margtodo}                                 % used by \todo command
+{{\textbf{\textcolor{kitcolor}{[\margtodo{}#1]}}}{}}   % for todo-notes inside 
+                                                       % the document
+\newenvironment{deprecated}                            % for something that you
+{\begin{color}{gray}}{\end{color}}                     % want to use no more
+\newcommand{\xcaption}[2]{\caption[#1]{\textbf{#1} #2}}% nice caption cmd for
+                                                       % short and long descrip.
+\newcommand{\xfigure}[5]{\begin{figure}[#1]            % a quick command for
+\centering                                             % including graphics 
+\includegraphics[scale=#2]{./fig/#3}                   % with all necessary vars
+\newcommand{\xfigurerot}[5]{\begin{figure}[#1]        % same as above, only
+\centering                                            % image is rotated
+\newcommand{\xtable}[4]{\begin{table}[#1]             % same for tables
+%% ------------------------------------
+%% |    Quantum Mechanics and Math    |
+%% ------------------------------------
+\newcommand{\ket}[1]{\left|#1\right\rangle}           % \ket{X}  ->  |X>
+\newcommand{\bra}[1]{\left\langle#1\right|}           % \bra{X}  ->  <X|
+\newcommand{\braket}[2]                               % \braket{X}{Y}  ->  <X|Y>
+{\left\langle#1 \middle| #2\right\rangle}
+\newcommand{\bratenket}[3]                            % \bratenket{X}{Y}{Z}  ->
+{\left\langle#1 \middle|\middle| #2 \middle|\middle|  % <X|Y|Z>
+\newcommand{\anglemean}[1]                            % \anglemean{X}  ->  <X>
+{\left\langle #1 \right\rangle}                       % \norm{X}  ->  || X ||
+\newcommand{\updownarrows}                            % \ket\updownarrows  ->
+{\text{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{$\rightleftarrows$}}} % |↑↓> (cmt is utf8!)
+\newcommand{\downuparrows}                            % \ket\updownarrows  ->
+{\text{\rotatebox[origin=c]{270}{$\rightleftarrows$}}}% |↓↑>
+\newcommand{\neswarrows}                              % \ket\neswarrows  ->
+{\text{\rotatebox[origin=c]{45}{$\rightleftarrows$}}} % |↗↙>
+\newcommand{\swnearrows}                              % \ket\swnearrows  ->
+{\text{\rotatebox[origin=c]{225}{$\rightleftarrows$}}}% |↙↗>
+\newcommand{\cre}{c^\dagger}                          % annihalation operator
+\newcommand{\anh}{c^{\vphantom{\dagger}}}             % creation operator
+\newcommand{\numb}{n^{\vphantom{\dagger}}}            % number operator
+\newcommand{\fullstop}{\text{\,.}}                    % fullstop or comma in
+\newcommand{\comma}{\text{\,,}}                       % math mode for use
+                                                      % after equations
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+0.00392157 g
+q 1 0 0 -1 0 184.379654 cm
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+q 1 0 0 -1 0 184.379654 cm
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+q 1 0 0 -1 0 184.379654 cm
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+q 1 0 0 -1 0 184.379654 cm
+167.039 100.754 m 167.039 100.754 166.781 87.242 176.414 97.133 c S Q
+0.0509804 0.6 0.282353 rg
+0.56 w
+q 1 0 0 -1 0 184.379654 cm
+297.242 105.961 m 299.547 110.922 298.258 112.418 296.242 113.355 c 294.23
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+q 1 0 0 -1 0 184.379654 cm
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+q 1 0 0 -1 0 184.379654 cm
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+0.133333 0.117647 0.121569 rg
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+ c h
+361.512 158.649 m f
+361.512 88.251 m 371.949 88.251 l 372.973 88.251 373.129 89.844 372.098
+ 89.844 c 361.66 89.844 l 360.637 89.844 360.48 88.251 361.512 88.251 c 
+361.512 88.251 m f
+361.512 14.649 m 371.949 14.649 l 372.973 14.649 373.129 16.243 372.098
+ 16.243 c 361.66 16.243 l 360.637 16.243 360.48 14.649 361.512 14.649 c 
+361.512 14.649 m f
+0.266667 0.301961 0.631373 rg
+19.2 0 0 19.2 199.985263 75.471881 Tm
+/f-0-0 1 Tf
+0.0509804 0.6 0.282353 rg
+19.2 0 0 19.2 269.585263 77.071881 Tm
+/f-0-0 1 Tf
+0.266667 0.301961 0.631373 rg
+14.4 0 0 14.4 218.422783 85.846841 Tm
+/f-0-0 1 Tf
+0 g
+407.809 175.321 m 407.809 171.923 l 402.133 171.923 l 401.582 168.341 401.309
+ 164.907 401.309 161.626 c 401.309 160.012 401.59 158.86 402.148 158.165
+ c 402.711 157.469 403.41 157.122 404.25 157.122 c 404.922 157.122 405.504
+ 157.356 406 157.825 c 406.5 158.298 406.82 158.977 406.961 159.872 c 407.809
+ 159.872 l 407.543 157.403 406.953 155.661 406.039 154.645 c 405.125 153.63
+ 404.094 153.122 402.953 153.122 c 401.734 153.122 400.719 153.677 399.902
+ 154.786 c 399.09 155.895 398.684 157.966 398.684 161.001 c 398.684 162.907
+ 398.984 166.548 399.586 171.923 c 393.484 171.923 l 393 163.735 392.418
+ 158.552 391.73 156.38 c 391.047 154.208 390.102 153.122 388.902 153.122
+ c 388.34 153.122 387.875 153.309 387.512 153.684 c 387.145 154.059 386.961
+ 154.524 386.961 155.087 c 386.961 155.493 387.023 155.844 387.148 156.137
+ c 387.316 156.548 387.684 157.118 388.242 157.852 c 389.191 159.122 389.855
+ 160.45 390.227 161.841 c 390.895 164.216 391.332 167.579 391.535 171.923
+ c 390.457 171.923 l 389.316 171.923 388.469 171.735 387.906 171.364 c 387
+ 170.805 386.172 169.876 385.422 168.571 c 384.508 168.571 l 385.383 171.266
+ 386.406 173.126 387.578 174.157 c 388.469 174.934 389.723 175.325 391.328
+ 175.325 c 407.809 175.325 l h
+407.809 175.321 m f
+16.422 93.438 m 30.586 79.427 l 32.91 77.122 34.883 75.552 36.504 74.716
+ c 38.125 73.884 39.754 73.407 41.387 73.298 c 41.387 72.247 l 23.238 72.247
+ l 23.238 73.298 l 24.328 73.298 25.109 73.481 25.59 73.844 c 26.066 74.208
+ 26.305 74.626 26.305 75.094 c 26.305 75.524 26.211 75.919 26.023 76.274
+ c 25.836 76.63 25.254 77.294 24.281 78.27 c 11.113 91.298 l 11.113 78.997
+ l 11.113 76.509 11.395 74.993 11.957 74.45 c 12.742 73.68 13.828 73.298
+ 15.215 73.298 c 16.562 73.298 l 16.562 72.247 l 0.262 72.247 l 0.262 73.298
+ l 1.613 73.298 l 3.188 73.298 4.328 73.755 5.039 74.673 c 5.488 75.27 5.715
+ 76.716 5.715 78.997 c 5.715 103.649 l 5.715 105.575 5.594 106.86 5.348 
+107.497 c 5.16 107.946 4.777 108.337 4.195 108.673 c 3.371 109.126 2.512
+ 109.348 1.613 109.348 c 0.262 109.348 l 0.262 110.395 l 16.562 110.395 
+l 16.562 109.348 l 15.215 109.348 l 13.68 109.348 12.547 108.895 11.816 
+107.997 c 11.348 107.399 11.113 105.95 11.113 103.645 c 11.113 91.997 l 
+19.926 100.173 l 22.789 102.923 24.613 104.962 25.406 106.29 c 25.688 106.755
+ 25.828 107.216 25.828 107.665 c 25.828 108.13 25.629 108.528 25.238 108.856
+ c 24.844 109.18 24.18 109.344 23.238 109.344 c 22.367 109.344 l 22.367 
+110.395 l 36.324 110.395 l 36.324 109.348 l 35.504 109.329 34.746 109.216
+ 34.059 109.012 c 33.367 108.805 32.531 108.399 31.551 107.794 c 30.57 107.188
+ 29.371 106.223 27.953 104.899 c 27.57 104.52 25.664 102.598 22.227 99.137
+ c h
+16.422 93.438 m f
+0.133333 0.117647 0.121569 rg
+55.91 85.848 m 66.348 85.848 l 67.371 85.848 67.527 87.442 66.496 87.442
+ c 56.059 87.442 l 55.035 87.446 54.879 85.848 55.91 85.848 c h
+55.91 85.848 m f
+0 g
+16.8 0 0 16.8 410.422783 173.846841 Tm
+/f-0-0 1 Tf
+407.809 101.723 m 407.809 98.321 l 402.133 98.321 l 401.582 94.739 401.309
+ 91.309 401.309 88.024 c 401.309 86.415 401.59 85.262 402.148 84.567 c 402.711
+ 83.868 403.41 83.52 404.25 83.52 c 404.922 83.52 405.504 83.755 406 84.227
+ c 406.5 84.696 406.82 85.38 406.961 86.27 c 407.809 86.27 l 407.543 83.802
+ 406.953 82.059 406.039 81.048 c 405.125 80.032 404.094 79.524 402.953 79.524
+ c 401.734 79.524 400.719 80.079 399.902 81.188 c 399.09 82.298 398.684 
+84.368 398.684 87.399 c 398.684 89.305 398.984 92.946 399.586 98.321 c 393.484
+ 98.321 l 393 90.134 392.418 84.954 391.73 82.782 c 391.047 80.606 390.102
+ 79.524 388.902 79.524 c 388.34 79.524 387.875 79.708 387.512 80.083 c 387.145
+ 80.458 386.961 80.927 386.961 81.489 c 386.961 81.891 387.023 82.243 387.148
+ 82.54 c 387.316 82.946 387.684 83.516 388.242 84.251 c 389.191 85.52 389.855
+ 86.852 390.227 88.239 c 390.895 90.618 391.332 93.977 391.535 98.321 c 
+390.457 98.321 l 389.316 98.321 388.469 98.137 387.906 97.766 c 387 97.204
+ 386.172 96.274 385.422 94.973 c 384.508 94.973 l 385.383 97.665 386.406
+ 99.528 387.578 100.555 c 388.469 101.333 389.723 101.723 391.328 101.723
+ c h
+407.809 101.723 m f
+16.8 0 0 16.8 410.422783 100.246841 Tm
+/f-0-0 1 Tf
+407.809 28.122 m 407.809 24.723 l 402.133 24.723 l 401.582 21.141 401.309
+ 17.708 401.309 14.427 c 401.309 12.813 401.59 11.661 402.148 10.966 c 402.711
+ 10.27 403.41 9.923 404.25 9.923 c 404.922 9.923 405.504 10.157 406 10.626
+ c 406.5 11.098 406.82 11.778 406.961 12.673 c 407.809 12.673 l 407.543 
+10.204 406.953 8.462 406.039 7.446 c 405.125 6.43 404.094 5.923 402.953 
+5.923 c 401.734 5.923 400.719 6.477 399.902 7.587 c 399.09 8.696 398.684
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+407.809 28.122 m f
+14.4 0 0 14.4 410.422783 33.846841 Tm
+/f-0-0 1 Tf
+16.8 0 0 16.8 36.822783 109.846841 Tm
+0.301961 g
+8 0 0 8 0.0234375 34.376332 Tm
+/f-0-0 1 Tf
+[(This image )-3(was pu)-3(blished by Jabber)-3(W)59(ok at t)-3(he En)-3
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+0 -1.25 Td
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+ licen)-3(se. )]TJ
+0 -1.25 Td
+[(Chec)-3(k for h)-3(ttps:/)-3(/en.)-3(wikipedia.or)16(g/wiki/)]TJ
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+Q Q
+end restore
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+\chapter*{Erklärung zur Selbstständigkeit}
+Ich versichere, dass ich diese Arbeit selbstständig verfasst habe und keine %
+anderen als die angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel benutzt habe, die %
+wörtlich oder inhaltlich übernommenen Stellen als solche kenntlich gemacht und %
+die Satzung des KIT zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis in der %
+gültigen Fassung vom 17.05.2010 beachtet habe.\\
+\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0} % for spacing in the tabular environment
+	\begin{tabular}{rr}
+		Karlsruhe, den \thesistimehandin, & \hspace*{5cm}\\[0mm]
+		\cline{2-2}\\[2mm]    % the last line has height 2mm due
+		& \thesisauthor       % to \arraystretch=0
+	\end{tabular}
+	Als Ansichtsexemplar genehmigt von\\
+	\vspace{1cm}
+	\begin{tabular}{rr}
+		Karlsruhe, den \thesistimehandin, & \hspace*{5cm}\\[0mm]
+		\cline{2-2}\\[2mm]    % the last line has height 2mm due
+		& \thesisreviewerone  % to \arraystretch=0
+	\end{tabular}
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+%% LaTeX2e class for diploma theses
+%% Based on wissdoc.cls by Roland Bless, 1996-2001
+%% bless@telematik.informatik.uni-karlsruhe.de
+%% Adapted by: Timo Rohrberg, 2009
+%% timo.rohrberg@student.kit.edu
+%% Additions by: Thorsten Haberecht, IPD - Chair Prof. Bhm, 2010
+%% thorsten.haberecht@kit.edu
+%% Further modified as Bachelor Thesis by: Philipp Verpoort, 2014
+%% Usage as thesis template, Fakultät f. Physik, KIT by: FS Physik KIT, 2014
+%% fachschaft@physik.kit.edu
+%% ------------------
+%% |    Packages    |
+%% ------------------
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+                                                % microtype->nonfrenchspacing
+                                                % for info on nonfrenchspacing:
+                                                % en.wikipedia.org/wiki/       \
+                                                % History_of_sentence_spacing# \
+                                                % French_and_English_spacing
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+                                                % add languages, if need to be.
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+                                                % = don't switch language
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+                                                % You may prefer the provided 
+                                                % \mathbbm{R} to ordinary 
+                                                % \mathbb{R}.
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+                                                % \si{\ampere} or 
+                                                % \SI{0.3}{\angstrom}.
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+                                                % http://tex.stackexchange.com/\
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+        {chapter}{\protect\numberline {\thechapter}#2}{#1}{}}
+%% **** END OF CLASS ****
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+            \Large FAKULTÄT FÜR PHYSIK\\\thesisinstitute
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+    \huge(\thesisentopic)\\
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+    \vspace*{1cm}
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+    % for publishing the img under GNU Document License
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+    % examiners (Referenten)
+    \vspace*{1.5cm}
+    \Large
+    \begin{center}
+        \begin{tabular}[ht]{l c l}
+        \iflanguage{english}{Reviewer}{Referent}: 
+            & \hfill & \thesisreviewerone\\
+        \iflanguage{english}{Second Reviewer}{Korreferent}: 
+            & \hfill & \thesisreviewertwo\\
+        % uncomment if you want to provide info on your advisors
+        %\iflanguage{english}{Advisor}{Betreuender Mitarbeiter}: 
+        %    & \hfill & \thesisadvisorone\\
+        %\iflanguage{english}{Second Advisor}{Zweiter betreuender Mitarbeiter}: 
+        %    & \hfill & \thesisadvisortwo\\
+        \end{tabular}
+    \end{center}
+    % working time
+    \vspace{1cm}
+    \begin{center}
+        \large{{Bearbeitungszeit}: \thesistimestart \hspace*{0.25cm} -- %
+                                   \hspace*{0.25cm} \thesistimeend}
+    \end{center}
+    % lowest text blocks concerning the KIT
+    \begin{textblock}{10}[0,0](4,16.8)
+        \tiny{KIT – Die Forschungsuniversität in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft}
+    \end{textblock}
+    \begin{textblock}{10}[0,0](14,16.75)
+        \large{\textbf{www.kit.edu}}
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+	AUTHOR = {Demtröder, W.},
+	YEAR = {2010},
+	TITLE = {Experimentalphysik 4 - Kern-, Teilchen- Und Astrophysik},
+	EDITION = {3. Auflage},
+	ISBN = {978-3-642-01598-4},
+	PUBLISHER = {Springer DE},
+	ADDRESS = {Berlin}
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+% Main File - Based on thesisclass.cls
+% Comments are mostly in English
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Further files in folder:
+%  - include/cmds.tex (for macros and additional commands)
+%  - include/kitlogo.pdf (for titlepage)
+%  - lit.bib (bibtex bibliography database)
+%  - include/titlepage.tex (for layout of titelpage)
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Useful Supplied Packages:
+% amsmath, amssymb, mathtools, bbm, upgreek, nicefrac,
+% siunitx, varioref, booktabs, graphicx, tikz, multicol
+%% -------------------------
+%% |    Thesis Settings    |
+%% -------------------------
+% english or ngerman (new german für neue deutsche Rechtschreibung statt german)
+% details on this thesis
+\newcommand{\thesisauthor}{Klara Fall}
+\newcommand{\thesistopic}{Name des Themas auf Deutsch}
+\newcommand{\thesisentopic}{Name of the Topic in English}
+\newcommand{\thesislongtopic}{Very long and very detailed description of the very interesting thesis topic (only necessary for pdfsubject tag).}
+\newcommand{\thesisinstitute}{Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik}
+\newcommand{\thesisreviewerone}{Prof. Dr. D. Cay}
+\newcommand{\thesisreviewertwo}{Prof. Dr. E. Vil}
+\newcommand{\thesisadvisorone}{} % to use: enter names and uncomment in titlepg
+\newcommand{\thesistimestart}{01.04.2015} % on titlepage
+\newcommand{\thesistimeend}{30.09.2015} % on titlepage
+\newcommand{\thesistimehandin}{30.09.2015} % on second page 'preamble'
+\newcommand{\thesispagehead}{Bachelor Thesis: \thesisentopic} % page heading
+%% ---------------------
+%% |    PDF - Setup    |
+%% ---------------------
+% This information will appear embed into the PDF file as meta data, but will 
+% not be printed anywhere
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+%% --------------------------------------
+%% |    Settings for Word Separation    |
+%% --------------------------------------
+% Help for separation:
+% In German package the following hints are additionally available:
+% "- = Additional separation
+% "| = Suppress ligation and possible separation (e.g. Schaf"|fell)
+% "~ = Hyphenation without separation (e.g. bergauf und "~ab)
+% "= = Hyphenation with separation before and after
+% "" = Separation without a hyphenation (e.g. und/""oder)
+% Describe separation hints here:
+    über-nom-me-nen an-ge-ge-be-nen
+    %Pro-to-koll-in-stan-zen
+    %Ma-na-ge-ment  Netz-werk-ele-men-ten
+    %Netz-werk Netz-werk-re-ser-vie-rung
+    %Netz-werk-adap-ter Fein-ju-stier-ung
+    %Da-ten-strom-spe-zi-fi-ka-tion Pa-ket-rumpf
+    %Kon-troll-in-stanz
+%% -----------------------
+%% |    Main Document    |
+%% -----------------------
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+    % Titlepage and ToC
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+    \input{include/preamble}
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+    % Contents
+    \MainMatter
+    \chapter{Introduction}
+    \input{./chap/chapter1.tex}
+    \chapter{Theoretical Background}
+    \input{./chap/chapter2.tex}
+    \chapter{Experimental Investigations}
+    \input{./chap/chapter3.tex}
+    \emptychapter[3]{ROOT Routines}     % usage: \emptychapter[page displayed 
+                                        %        in toc]{name of the chapter}
+    \chapter{Conclusions}
+    \input{./chap/chapter4.tex}
+    % appendix for more or less interesting calculations
+    \Appendix
+    \chapter*{\appendixname} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\appendixname}
+    % to make the appendix appear in ToC without number. \appendixname = 
+    % Appendix or Anhang (depending on chosen language)
+    \input{./chap/appendix.tex} %\cleardoublepage
+    % Bibliography
+    \TheBibliography
+    % BIBTEX
+    % use if you want citations to appear even if they are not referenced to: 
+    % \nocite{*} or maybe \nocite{Kon64,And59} for specific entries
+    %\nocite{*}
+    \bibliographystyle{babalpha}
+    \bibliography{lit.bib}
+    %\begin{thebibliography}{000}
+    %    \bibitem{ident}Entry into Bibliography.
+    %\end{thebibliography}
diff --git a/tab/.keep b/tab/.keep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391