index 1cc393f84360b28aa2adeb95e20db62341991a90..c27a56ad7cc22a58cb04d4fd6b80e87fd0e39764 100644
@@ -2,6 +2,14 @@
 Changes since U-Boot 1.1.4:
+* Adjust filenames for USB update images on TRAB board.
+  During an automatic update via USB stick, U-Boot searches for
+  images with the name "firmware.img" and "kernel.img". This names
+  are now changed to "firmw_01.img" and "kernl_01.img". This is done,
+  to prevent updates of new boards (with the new macronics "c" step
+  flashes) with old, incompatible firmware or kernel versions.
+  Patch by Martin Krause, 21 Jun 2006
 * Bugfix in VFD routine on TRAB board.
   Make sure upper lext pixel can be set to blue, too
   (so far only red was possible).
diff --git a/board/trab/auto_update.c b/board/trab/auto_update.c
index 442c5550acd479df4355d4c90f8052d6a064b425..d2c8d44a79f87188ac87383da844491700a40474 100644
--- a/board/trab/auto_update.c
+++ b/board/trab/auto_update.c
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
  *		valid then run it.
  *	2) if preinst.img is found load it into memory. If it is
  *		valid then run it. Update the EEPROM.
- *	3) if firmware.img is found load it into memory. If it is valid,
+ *	3) if firmw_01.img is found load it into memory. If it is valid,
  *		burn it into FLASH and update the EEPROM.
- *	4) if kernel.img is found load it into memory. If it is valid,
+ *	4) if kernl_01.img is found load it into memory. If it is valid,
  *		burn it into FLASH and update the EEPROM.
  *	5) if app.img is found load it into memory. If it is valid,
  *		burn it into FLASH and update the EEPROM.
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@
 /* possible names of files on the USB stick. */
 #define AU_PREPARE	"prepare.img"
 #define AU_PREINST	"preinst.img"
-#define AU_FIRMWARE	"firmware.img"
-#define AU_KERNEL	"kernel.img"
+#define AU_FIRMWARE	"firmw_01.img"
+#define AU_KERNEL	"kernl_01.img"
 #define AU_APP		"app.img"
 #define AU_DISK		"disk.img"
 #define AU_POSTINST	"postinst.img"