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  • petre/nextcloud-app-podcast
  • onny/nextcloud-app-podcast
2 results
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Commits on Source (41)
......@@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ js/
......@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ compiling:
- apt update
- DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt install -y gettext php php-simplexml
- npm install
- npm install -g pnpm
- pnpm install
- make build-js
- make translations
......@@ -42,12 +43,12 @@ testing:
stage: packaging
image: ubuntu:rolling
- apt update
- DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt install -y wget sudo gettext php php-simplexml
- wget
- wget
- sudo dpkg -i libssl1.0.0_1.0.1t-1+deb8u12_amd64.deb krankerl_0.12.3_amd64.deb
- DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt install -y wget sudo gettext php php-simplexml nodejs pnpm git
- wget
- sudo dpkg -i krankerl_0.13.0_amd64.deb
- krankerl package
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
## 0.4.0 - 2021-XX
Please note that this is still a preview release. It should demonstrate basic
functionality and the user interface. Some main features of a podcatcher are not
yet implemented.
### Known issues
- There is no background job yet to fetch and display new episodes
[#114]( @onny
### Changed
- Update pnpm modules
[#235]( @onny
- Switch from npm to pnpm
[#234]( @onny
- Add support for Nextcloud 22
[#229]( @onny
- Switch donation address from Bitcoin to Mobilecoin
[#237]( @onny
## 0.3.1 - 2021-03
Please note that this is still a preview release. It should demonstrate basic
functionality and the user interface. Some main features of a podcatcher are not
yet implemented.
### Known issues
- There is no background job yet to fetch and display new episodes
[#114]( @onny
### Added
- Export podcast subscriptions as OPML
[#104]( @onny
- German translation
[#183]( @onny
- Make player metadata, title and show name as links
[#167]( @onny
- Add pagination to listening and library view
[#195]( @onny
- Show newest podcasts and episodes in library view
[#214]( @onny
### Fixed
- Listening view: Only show episods with playtime
[#213]( @onny
- Library view: Show list of newest episodes (which are present in the database)
[#213]( @onny
- Episodes playback state is only saved and used in "Listening" view
[#159]( @onny
- Fix issues with database migration on Mysql backends
[#176]( @onny
### Changed
- Update npm modules
[#181]( @onny
- CI: Update krankerl
[#179]( @onny
- Api use getRequestToken
[#180]( @onny
- Less mixed content: query fyyd api on server side
[#194]( @onny
## 0.2 - 2021-02
Please note that this is still a preview release. It should demonstrate basic
......@@ -7,44 +7,44 @@ all: dev-setup lint build-js-production test
dev-setup: clean clean-dev npm-init
npm ci
pnpm ci
npm update
pnpm update
# Building
npm run dev
pnpm run dev
npm run build
pnpm run build
npm run watch
pnpm run watch
# Testing
npm run test
pnpm run test
npm run test:watch
pnpm run test:watch
npm run test:coverage
pnpm run test:coverage
# Linting
npm run lint
pnpm run lint
npm run lint:fix
pnpm run lint:fix
# Style linting
npm run stylelint
pnpm run stylelint
npm run stylelint:fix
pnpm run stylelint:fix
# Cleaning
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ uses the directory []( as a source.
- [ ] Check newly released episodes
- [x] Support for chapters in episodes
- [x] Support for links and timecodes in episode notes
- [ ] Import and export subscriptions
- [x] Mobile friendly interface
- [x] Unified search integration
- [ ] Dashboard integration
......@@ -47,7 +48,8 @@ have to submit it first there.
Can be easily tested using Docker:
docker run -v /tmp/nextcloud-app-podcast:/opt/nextcloud/apps/podcast -d --name nextcloud-app-podcast -p 80:80 rootlogin/nextcloud:20.0.6
docker build nextcloud
docker run -v /tmp/nextcloud-app-podcast:/opt/nextcloud/apps/podcast -d --name nextcloud-app-podcast -p 80:80 nextcloud
First part of -v is the path to the cloned and compiled or downloaded Nextcloud Podcast app. Debug running container it with:
......@@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ make translations
Use the source file ``translationfiles/template/podcast.pot`` to create
translations. For example, contribute translations via
Put the translated language file into the corresponding template folder. For
example the German language file should be placed at
......@@ -108,9 +110,9 @@ You can report bugs in the public gitlab repository [here](https://git.project-i
For now only German translations are provided, so please submit your translations if possible :) It's really easy, just `git clone` this repo and copy the translation files in `l10n` according to your locale. Merge requests go to [this podcast repository](
### Donation
If you like this app and want to support my work, you can donate to this Bitcoin address:
If you like this app and want to support my work, you can donate to this [MobileCoin]( address:
## Credits
......@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
<summary>🔊 Browse, manage and listen to podcasts</summary>
<description>**🔊 Browse, listen and subscribe to podcasts**
Full featured podcatcher which uses the community index as a
Full featured podcatcher which uses the community index as a source.
- 🔍 Browse and subscribe huge collection of podcasts
- 🔊 Listen to episodes directly in Nextcloud
......@@ -15,7 +14,7 @@
- 👂 Smoth audio playback and transitions
<author mail="" >Jonas Heinrich</author>
......@@ -27,7 +26,7 @@
<screenshot small-thumbnail=""></screenshot>
<php min-version="7.4" max-version="8" />
<nextcloud min-version="20" max-version="21"/>
<nextcloud min-version="20" max-version="22"/>
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ return [
'resources' => [
'show' => ['url' => '/api/shows'],
'episode' => ['url' => '/api/episodes'],
'export' => ['url' => '/export'],
'routes' => [
......@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@
@include icon-black-white('recent', 'podcast', 1);
@include icon-black-white('header', 'podcast', 1);
@include icon-black-white('podcast', 'podcast', 1);
@include icon-black-white('podcast-trans', 'podcast', 1);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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d="M13 2v20h-2V2zM6 6v12H4V6zM20 6v12h-2V6z" />
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"Radio stations" : "Radio Stationen",
"Radio" : "Radio",
"Radio listening app" : "Online Radiosender hören",
"Listening to your favorite radio stations in Nextcloud" : "Höre deine Lieblings-Radiosender direkt in Nextcloud",
"Error fetching favorite stations" : "Favorisierte Stationen konnten nicht geladen werden",
"No favorites added yet!" : "Noch keine favorisierte Stationen vorhanden",
"Failed to fetch favorite radio stations" : "Favorisierte Stationen konnten nicht geladen werden",
"No favorites yet" : "Noch keine Favoriten",
"No recent stations yet" : "Noch keine zuletzt gespielten Stationen",
"No search results" : "Keine Suchergebnisse",
"Stations you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Radio Stationen die favorisiert wurden werden hier angezeigt",
"Stations you recently played will show up here" : "Radio Stationen die vor kurzem gespielt wurden, werden hier angezeigt",
"No stations were found matching your search term" : "Keine Stationen unter diesen Suchbegriff gefunden",
"No stations here" : "Keine Stationen verfügbar",
"Could not remove station from favorites" : "Radio station konnte nicht von den Favoriten entfernt werden",
"Could not favor station" : "Station konnte nicht favorisiert werden",
"Lost connection to radio station, retrying ..." : "Verbindung zur Radio Station unterbrochen, versuche wiederzuverbinden ...",
"Unable to count play on remote API" : "Wiedergabe konnte nicht gezählt werden von der entfernten API",
"Could not add station to recent list" : "Radio Station konnte nicht in die zuletzt gespielt Liste aufgenommen werden",
"Countries" : "Länder",
"States" : "Staaten",
"Languages" : "Sprachen",
"Tags" : "Stichwörter",
"Could not fetch stations from remote API" : "Radio Stationen konnten nicht von der API geladen werden",
"Unable to load favorites" : "Favoriten konnten nicht geladen werden",
"Top" : "Beliebteste",
"Recent" : "Zuletzt gehört",
"New" : "Neu",
"Favorites" : "Favoriten",
"Categories" : "Kategorien",
"Search" : "Suche",
"Stream URL" : "Stream URL",
"Copy link to clipboard" : "Adresse in die Zwischenablage kopieren",
"Homepage" : "Webseite",
"Country & Language" : "Land und Sprache",
"Codec & Bitrate" : "Codec & Bitrate",
"Link copied to clipboard" : "Adresse in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
"Error while copying link to clipboard" : "Fehler beim Speichern in die Zwischenablage",
"Podcast episodes" : "Podcast Episoden",
"Podcast" : "Podcast",
"🔊 Browse, manage and listen to podcasts" : "🔊 Browse, manage and listen to podcasts",
"**🔊 Browse, listen and subscribe to podcasts**\n\nFull featured podcatcher which uses the community index as a source.\n\n- 🔍 Browse and subscribe huge collection of podcasts\n- 🔊 Listen to episodes directly in Nextcloud\n- ⭐ Support episode chapters\n- 👂 Smoth audio playback and transitions" : "**🔊 Browse, listen and subscribe to podcasts**\n\nFull featured podcatcher which uses the community index as a source.\n\n- 🔍 Browse and subscribe huge collection of podcasts\n- 🔊 Listen to episodes directly in Nextcloud\n- ⭐ Support episode chapters\n- 👂 Smoth audio playback and transitions",
"Hide" : "Verstecken",
"Show" : "Anzeigen",
"episodes" : "Episoden",
"Error fetching favorite episodes" : "Fehler beim Laden der favorisierten Episoden",
"No episodes added yet!" : "Keine Episoden bis jetzt hinzugefügt!",
"Failed to fetch favorite podcast episodes" : "Fehler beim Laden der Podcast Episoden",
"Show all" : "Zeige alle",
"by" : "von",
"Show more" : "Zeige mehr",
"Show less" : "Zeige weniger",
"Unsubscribe" : "Abbestellen",
"Subscribe" : "Abonnieren",
"Listening" : "Aktuell höhrend",
"Library" : "Bibliothek",
"Browse" : "Durchsuchen",
"Search" : "Suchen",
"Name" : "Name",
"Add to favorites" : "Zu den Favoriten hinzufügen",
"Remove from favorites" : "Von den Favoriten entfernen",
"Details" : "Weitere Informationen"
"Duration" : "Länge",
"Date" : "Datum",
"Go to episode" : "Gehe zu Episode",
"Go to show" : "Gehe zu Sendung",
"Download" : "Herunterladen",
"Share" : "Teilen",
"Remove from queue" : "Von Wiedergabeliste entfernen",
"Resume" : "Fortsetzen",
"Pause" : "Pausieren",
"Play" : "Abspielen",
"Hot podcasts" : "Zurzeit beliebte Podcasts",
"New podcasts" : "Neue Podcasts",
"Podcasts in" : "Podcasts in",
"Publication date" : "Veröffentlicht",
"Episode chapters" : "Kapitel",
"Pause episode" : "Episode pausieren",
"Resume episode" : "Episode fortsetzen",
"Play episode" : "Episode abspielen",
"Currently listening" : "Zuletzt gehört"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
{ "translations": {
"Radio stations" : "Radio Stationen",
"Radio" : "Radio",
"Radio listening app" : "Online Radiosender hören",
"Listening to your favorite radio stations in Nextcloud" : "Höre deine Lieblings-Radiosender direkt in Nextcloud",
"Error fetching favorite stations" : "Favorisierte Stationen konnten nicht geladen werden",
"No favorites added yet!" : "Noch keine favorisierte Stationen vorhanden",
"Failed to fetch favorite radio stations" : "Favorisierte Stationen konnten nicht geladen werden",
"No favorites yet" : "Noch keine Favoriten",
"No recent stations yet" : "Noch keine zuletzt gespielten Stationen",
"No search results" : "Keine Suchergebnisse",
"Stations you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Radio Stationen die favorisiert wurden werden hier angezeigt",
"Stations you recently played will show up here" : "Radio Stationen die vor kurzem gespielt wurden, werden hier angezeigt",
"No stations were found matching your search term" : "Keine Stationen unter diesen Suchbegriff gefunden",
"No stations here" : "Keine Stationen verfügbar",
"Could not remove station from favorites" : "Radio station konnte nicht von den Favoriten entfernt werden",
"Could not favor station" : "Station konnte nicht favorisiert werden",
"Lost connection to radio station, retrying ..." : "Verbindung zur Radio Station unterbrochen, versuche wiederzuverbinden ...",
"Unable to count play on remote API" : "Wiedergabe konnte nicht gezählt werden von der entfernten API",
"Could not add station to recent list" : "Radio Station konnte nicht in die zuletzt gespielt Liste aufgenommen werden",
"Countries" : "Länder",
"States" : "Staaten",
"Languages" : "Sprachen",
"Tags" : "Stichwörter",
"Could not fetch stations from remote API" : "Radio Stationen konnten nicht von der API geladen werden",
"Unable to load favorites" : "Favoriten konnten nicht geladen werden",
"Top" : "Beliebteste",
"Recent" : "Zuletzt gehört",
"New" : "Neu",
"Favorites" : "Favoriten",
"Categories" : "Kategorien",
"Search" : "Suche",
"Stream URL" : "Stream URL",
"Copy link to clipboard" : "Adresse in die Zwischenablage kopieren",
"Homepage" : "Webseite",
"Country & Language" : "Land und Sprache",
"Codec & Bitrate" : "Codec & Bitrate",
"Link copied to clipboard" : "Adresse in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
"Error while copying link to clipboard" : "Fehler beim Speichern in die Zwischenablage",
"Podcast episodes" : "Podcast Episoden",
"Podcast" : "Podcast",
"🔊 Browse, manage and listen to podcasts" : "🔊 Browse, manage and listen to podcasts",
"**🔊 Browse, listen and subscribe to podcasts**\n\nFull featured podcatcher which uses the community index as a source.\n\n- 🔍 Browse and subscribe huge collection of podcasts\n- 🔊 Listen to episodes directly in Nextcloud\n- ⭐ Support episode chapters\n- 👂 Smoth audio playback and transitions" : "**🔊 Browse, listen and subscribe to podcasts**\n\nFull featured podcatcher which uses the community index as a source.\n\n- 🔍 Browse and subscribe huge collection of podcasts\n- 🔊 Listen to episodes directly in Nextcloud\n- ⭐ Support episode chapters\n- 👂 Smoth audio playback and transitions",
"Hide" : "Verstecken",
"Show" : "Anzeigen",
"episodes" : "Episoden",
"Error fetching favorite episodes" : "Fehler beim Laden der favorisierten Episoden",
"No episodes added yet!" : "Keine Episoden bis jetzt hinzugefügt!",
"Failed to fetch favorite podcast episodes" : "Fehler beim Laden der Podcast Episoden",
"Show all" : "Zeige alle",
"by" : "von",
"Show more" : "Zeige mehr",
"Show less" : "Zeige weniger",
"Unsubscribe" : "Abbestellen",
"Subscribe" : "Abonnieren",
"Listening" : "Aktuell höhrend",
"Library" : "Bibliothek",
"Browse" : "Durchsuchen",
"Search" : "Suchen",
"Name" : "Name",
"Add to favorites" : "Zu den Favoriten hinzufügen",
"Remove from favorites" : "Von den Favoriten entfernen",
"Details" : "Weitere Informationen"
"Duration" : "Länge",
"Date" : "Datum",
"Go to episode" : "Gehe zu Episode",
"Go to show" : "Gehe zu Sendung",
"Download" : "Herunterladen",
"Share" : "Teilen",
"Remove from queue" : "Von Wiedergabeliste entfernen",
"Resume" : "Fortsetzen",
"Pause" : "Pausieren",
"Play" : "Abspielen",
"Hot podcasts" : "Zurzeit beliebte Podcasts",
"New podcasts" : "Neue Podcasts",
"Podcasts in" : "Podcasts in",
"Publication date" : "Veröffentlicht",
"Episode chapters" : "Kapitel",
"Pause episode" : "Episode pausieren",
"Resume episode" : "Episode fortsetzen",
"Play episode" : "Episode abspielen",
"Currently listening" : "Zuletzt gehört"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -67,8 +67,6 @@ class Application extends App implements IBootstrap {
public function registerCsp() {
$manager = $this->getContainer()->getServer()->getContentSecurityPolicyManager();
$policy = new ContentSecurityPolicy();
......@@ -25,14 +25,25 @@ namespace OCA\Podcast\Controller;
use OCA\Podcast\AppInfo\Application;
use OCA\Podcast\Service\EpisodeService;
use OCA\Podcast\Service\FyydApiService;
use OCP\AppFramework\Controller;
use OCP\AppFramework\Http\DataResponse;
use OCP\IRequest;
use OCP\ILogger;
use OCP\Http\Client\IClientService;
class EpisodeController extends Controller {
/** @var ILogger */
private $logger;
/** @var EpisodesService */
private $service;
/** @var FyydApiService */
private $fyydapi;
/** @var string */
private $userId;
......@@ -40,17 +51,69 @@ class EpisodeController extends Controller {
public function __construct(IRequest $request,
EpisodeService $service,
FyydApiService $fyydapi,
ILogger $logger,
$userId) {
parent::__construct(Application::APP_ID, $request);
$this->service = $service;
$this->fyydapi = $fyydapi;
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->userId = $userId;
* @NoAdminRequired
public function index(): DataResponse {
return new DataResponse($this->service->findAll($this->userId));
public function index(int $episode_id = null, int $podcast_id = null,
int $count = 20, int $page = 0, string $sortBy = null): DataResponse {
$data = $this->service->findAll($this->userId, $sortBy);
if ($episode_id) {
$list = $this->fyydapi->queryEpisode($episode_id);
foreach($data as $localEpisode) {
if ($localEpisode->getId() === $list['data']['id']) {
$list['data']['lastplayed'] = $localEpisode->getLastplayed();
$list['data']['playtime'] = $localEpisode->getPlaytime();
return new DataResponse($list);
} else if ($podcast_id) {
$list = $this->fyydapi->queryEpisodes($podcast_id, $count, $page);
foreach($list['data']['episodes'] as $key=>$fyydEpisode) {
foreach($data as $localEpisode) {
if ($localEpisode->getId() === $fyydEpisode['id']) {
$list['data']['episodes'][$key]['lastplayed'] = $localEpisode->getLastplayed();
$list['data']['episodes'][$key]['playtime'] = $localEpisode->getPlaytime();
return new DataResponse($list);
$data = array_slice($data, $page * $count, $count);
if (count($data) === $count) {
$nextPage = $page + 1;
} else {
$nextPage = null;
$response = [
"meta" => [
"paging" => [
"next_page" => $nextPage,
"data" => [
"episodes" => $data,
return new DataResponse($response);
......@@ -65,27 +128,27 @@ class EpisodeController extends Controller {
* @NoAdminRequired
public function create(int $id, string $imgurl, string $title,
public function create(int $id, string $imgURL, string $title,
string $pubdate, int $duration, int $playtime, int $lastplayed,
string $enclosure, string $description, int $podcastid
string $enclosure, string $description, int $podcast_id
): DataResponse {
return new DataResponse($this->service->create($id, $imgurl, $title,
return new DataResponse($this->service->create($id, $imgURL, $title,
$pubdate, $duration, $playtime, $lastplayed, $enclosure, $description,
$podcastid, $this->userId));
$podcast_id, $this->userId));
* @NoAdminRequired
public function update(int $id, string $imgurl, string $title,
public function update(int $id, string $imgURL, string $title,
string $pubdate, int $duration, int $playtime, int $lastplayed,
string $enclosure, string $description, int $podcastid
string $enclosure, string $description, int $podcast_id
): DataResponse {
return $this->handleNotFound(function () use ($id, $imgurl, $title,
return $this->handleNotFound(function () use ($id, $imgURL, $title,
$pubdate, $duration, $playtime, $lastplayed, $enclosure, $description,
$podcastid) {
return $this->service->update($id, $imgurl, $title, $pubdate, $duration,
$playtime, $lastplayed, $enclosure, $description, $podcastid,
$podcast_id) {
return $this->service->update($id, $imgURL, $title, $pubdate, $duration,
$playtime, $lastplayed, $enclosure, $description, $podcast_id,
* Podcast App
* @author Jonas Heinrich
* @copyright 2021 Jonas Heinrich <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see <>.
namespace OCA\Podcast\Controller;
use OC;
use OCA\Podcast\ExportResponse;
use OCA\Podcast\AppInfo\Application;
use OCA\Podcast\Service\ShowService;
use OCP\AppFramework\Controller;
use OCP\AppFramework\Http\DataResponse;
use OCP\IRequest;
use SimpleXMLElement;
use DOMDocument;
class ExportController extends Controller {
/** @var ShowService */
private $service;
/** @var string */
private $userId;
use Errors;
public function __construct(IRequest $request,
ShowService $service,
$userId) {
parent::__construct(Application::APP_ID, $request);
$this->service = $service;
$this->userId = $userId;
* @NoAdminRequired
public function index() {
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0"?><opml version="1.0"></opml>');
$trackList = $xml->addChild('body');
foreach($this->service->findAll($this->userId) as $show) {
$track = $trackList->addChild('outline');
$track->addAttribute('type', 'rss');
$track->addAttribute('text', $show->getTitle());
$track->addAttribute('title', $show->getTitle());
$track->addAttribute('xmlUrl', $show->getFeedurl());
$track->addAttribute('htmlUrl', $show->getHomepage());
$dom = new DOMDocument("1.0");
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->formatOutput = true;
return new ExportResponse($dom->saveXML());
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ namespace OCA\Podcast\Controller;
use OCA\Podcast\AppInfo\Application;
use OCA\Podcast\Service\ShowService;
use OCA\Podcast\Service\FyydApiService;
use OCP\AppFramework\Controller;
use OCP\AppFramework\Http\DataResponse;
use OCP\IRequest;
......@@ -33,6 +34,9 @@ class ShowController extends Controller {
/** @var ShowsService */
private $service;
/** @var FyydApiService */
private $fyydapi;
/** @var string */
private $userId;
......@@ -40,17 +44,55 @@ class ShowController extends Controller {
public function __construct(IRequest $request,
ShowService $service,
FyydApiService $fyydapi,
$userId) {
parent::__construct(Application::APP_ID, $request);
$this->service = $service;
$this->fyydapi = $fyydapi;
$this->userId = $userId;
* @NoAdminRequired
public function index(): DataResponse {
return new DataResponse($this->service->findAll($this->userId));
public function index(int $podcast_id = null, string $category = null,
int $count = 20, int $page = 0): DataResponse {
$data = $this->service->findAll($this->userId);
if ($category) {
$list = $this->fyydapi->queryCategory($category, $count, $page);
return new DataResponse($list);
} else if ($podcast_id) {
$list = $this->fyydapi->queryPodcast($podcast_id);
foreach($data as $localEpisode) {
if ($localEpisode->getId() === $list['data']['id']) {
$list['data']['dateadded'] = intval($localEpisode->getDateadded());
return new DataResponse($list);
$data = array_slice($data, $page * $count, $count);
if (count($data) === $count) {
$nextPage = $page + 1;
} else {
$nextPage = null;
$response = [
"meta" => [
"paging" => [
"next_page" => $nextPage,
"data" => $data,
return new DataResponse($response);
......@@ -65,21 +107,23 @@ class ShowController extends Controller {
* @NoAdminRequired
public function create(int $id, string $imgurl, string $author,
string $title, string $lastpub, int $dateadded): DataResponse {
return new DataResponse($this->service->create($id, $imgurl, $author,
$title, $lastpub, $dateadded, $this->userId));
public function create(int $id, string $smallImageURL, string $author,
string $title, string $lastpub, int $dateadded, string $homepage,
string $feedurl): DataResponse {
return new DataResponse($this->service->create($id, $smallImageURL, $author,
$title, $lastpub, $dateadded, $homepage, $feedurl, $this->userId));
* @NoAdminRequired
public function update(int $id, string $imgurl, string $author,
string $title, string $lastpub, int $dateadded): DataResponse {
return $this->handleNotFound(function () use ($id, $imgurl, $author,
$title, $lastpub, $dateadded) {
return $this->service->update($id, $imgurl, $author, $title, $lastpub,
$dateadded, $this->userId);
public function update(int $id, string $smallImageURL, string $author,
string $title, string $lastpub, int $dateadded, string $homepage,
string $feedurl): DataResponse {
return $this->handleNotFound(function () use ($id, $smallImageURL, $author,
$title, $lastpub, $dateadded, $homepage, $feedurl) {
return $this->service->update($id, $smallImageURL, $author, $title, $lastpub,
$dateadded, $homepage, $feedurl, $this->userId);
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class Episode extends Entity implements JsonSerializable {
public function jsonSerialize(): array {
return [
'id' => $this->id,
'imgurl' => $this->imgurl,
'imgURL' => $this->imgurl,
'title' => $this->title,
'pubdate' => $this->pubdate,
'duration' => $this->duration,
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class Episode extends Entity implements JsonSerializable {
'lastplayed' => $this->lastplayed,
'enclosure' => $this->enclosure,
'description' => $this->description,
'podcastid' => $this->podcastid,
'podcast_id' => $this->podcastid,
......@@ -55,13 +55,29 @@ class EpisodeMapper extends QBMapper {
* @param string $userId
* @return array
public function findAll(string $userId): array {
public function findAll(string $userId, string $sortBy = null): array {
if ($sortBy) {
if ($sortBy === 'pubdate') {
$sortBy = 'pubdate';
} else {
$sortBy = 'lastplayed';
} else {
$sortBy = 'lastplayed';
/* @var $qb IQueryBuilder */
$qb = $this->db->getQueryBuilder();
->orderBy('lastplayed', 'DESC')
->orderBy($sortBy, 'DESC')
->where($qb->expr()->eq('user_id', $qb->createNamedParameter($userId)));
/* For listening view, query only episodes which were already
listened */
if ($sortBy === 'lastplayed') {
return $this->findEntities($qb);
......@@ -33,16 +33,20 @@ class Show extends Entity implements JsonSerializable {
protected $title;
protected $lastpub;
protected $dateadded;
protected $homepage;
protected $feedurl;
protected $userId;
public function jsonSerialize(): array {
return [
'id' => $this->id,
'imgurl' => $this->imgurl,
'smallImageURL' => $this->imgurl,
'author' => $this->author,
'title' => $this->title,
'lastpub' => $this->lastpub,
'dateadded' => $this->dateadded,
'homepage' => $this->homepage,
'feedurl' => $this->feedurl,