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% Main File - Based on thesisclass.cls
% Comments are mostly in English
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Further files in folder:
%  - include/cmds.tex (for macros and additional commands)
%  - include/kitlogo.pdf (for titlepage)
%  - lit.bib (bibtex bibliography database)
%  - include/titlepage.tex (for layout of titelpage)
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Useful Supplied Packages:
% amsmath, amssymb, mathtools, bbm, upgreek, nicefrac,
% siunitx, varioref, booktabs, graphicx, tikz, multicol

%% -------------------------
%% |    Thesis Settings    |
%% -------------------------
% english or ngerman (new german für neue deutsche Rechtschreibung statt german)
% details on this thesis
\newcommand{\thesisauthor}{Klara Fall}
\newcommand{\thesistopic}{Name des Themas auf Deutsch}
\newcommand{\thesisentopic}{Name of the Topic in English}
\newcommand{\thesislongtopic}{Very long and very detailed description of the very interesting thesis topic (only necessary for pdfsubject tag).}
\newcommand{\thesisinstitute}{Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik}
\newcommand{\thesisreviewerone}{Prof. Dr. D. Cay}
\newcommand{\thesisreviewertwo}{Prof. Dr. E. Vil}
\newcommand{\thesisadvisorone}{} % to use: enter names and uncomment in titlepg
\newcommand{\thesistimestart}{01.04.2015} % on titlepage
\newcommand{\thesistimeend}{30.09.2015} % on titlepage
\newcommand{\thesistimehandin}{30.09.2015} % on second page 'preamble'
\newcommand{\thesispagehead}{Bachelor Thesis: \thesisentopic} % page heading

%% ---------------------
%% |    PDF - Setup    |
%% ---------------------
% This information will appear embed into the PDF file as meta data, but will 
% not be printed anywhere
    pdftitle={Bachelorarbeit: \thesistopic},

%% --------------------------------------
%% |    Settings for Word Separation    |
%% --------------------------------------
% Help for separation:
% In German package the following hints are additionally available:
% "- = Additional separation
% "| = Suppress ligation and possible separation (e.g. Schaf"|fell)
% "~ = Hyphenation without separation (e.g. bergauf und "~ab)
% "= = Hyphenation with separation before and after
% "" = Separation without a hyphenation (e.g. und/""oder)

% Describe separation hints here:
    über-nom-me-nen an-ge-ge-be-nen
    %Ma-na-ge-ment  Netz-werk-ele-men-ten
    %Netz-werk Netz-werk-re-ser-vie-rung
    %Netz-werk-adap-ter Fein-ju-stier-ung
    %Da-ten-strom-spe-zi-fi-ka-tion Pa-ket-rumpf

%% -----------------------
%% |    Main Document    |
%% -----------------------
\usepackage{lipsum} % for Lorem Ipsum text example
    % Titlepage and ToC


    \begingroup \let\clearpage\relax    % in order to avoid listoffigures and
    \tableofcontents                    % listoftables on new pages

    % Contents

    \chapter{Theoretical Background}
    \chapter{Experimental Investigations}

    \emptychapter[3]{ROOT Routines}     % usage: \emptychapter[page displayed 
                                        %        in toc]{name of the chapter}


    % appendix for more or less interesting calculations
    \chapter*{\appendixname} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\appendixname}
    % to make the appendix appear in ToC without number. \appendixname = 
    % Appendix or Anhang (depending on chosen language)
    \input{./chap/appendix.tex} %\cleardoublepage

    % Bibliography

    % BIBTEX
    % use if you want citations to appear even if they are not referenced to: 
    % \nocite{*} or maybe \nocite{Kon64,And59} for specific entries

    %    \bibitem{ident}Entry into Bibliography.