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  • Simon Glass's avatar
    buildman: Add -C option to force a reconfigure for each commit · 97e91526
    Simon Glass authored
    Normally buildman wil try to configure U-Boot for a particular board on the
    first commit that it builds in a series. Subsequent commits are built
    without reconfiguring which normally works. Where it doesn't, buildman
    automatically reconfigures and retries.
    To fully emulate the way MAKEALL works, we should have an option to disable
    this optimisation.
    Add a -C option to cause buildman to always reconfigure on each commit.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSimon Glass <>
    buildman: Add -C option to force a reconfigure for each commit
    Simon Glass authored
    Normally buildman wil try to configure U-Boot for a particular board on the
    first commit that it builds in a series. Subsequent commits are built
    without reconfiguring which normally works. Where it doesn't, buildman
    automatically reconfigures and retries.
    To fully emulate the way MAKEALL works, we should have an option to disable
    this optimisation.
    Add a -C option to cause buildman to always reconfigure on each commit.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSimon Glass <>